Name* First Last Address Street Address City ZIP Code Email* Phone*What is your church background?*Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your Savior?*What in your opinion are your strengths and weaknesses?*What is your musical background?*Why do you want to serve on the worship team?*What instrument(s) do you play, for how long and with what confidence?*Vocalist Vocalist SelectSopranoAltoTenorBassRate your ability to sing harmony: Excellent Average Poor Instrumentalist Instrumentalist Primary InstrumentSecondary InstrumentYour sight-reading ability (notes): Excellent Average Poor Your ability to read chord charts: Excellent Average Poor Your ability to learn by ear: Excellent Average Poor How quickly you learn music: Excellent Average Poor Please indicate your musical preferences based on how often you listen to certain styles of music:*Which musical styles do you feel most proficient in performing?*Sound Tech Sound Tech Your understanding of music: Excellent Average Poor Your ability to hear pitch/tone issues: Excellent Average Poor How quickly you learn technical info: Excellent Average Poor CAPTCHAEmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ